Another amazing year of Deck The Trees at the Monte Vista Hotel in Black Mountain for the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries Fuel Fund.

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Another amazing year of Deck The Trees at the Monte Vista Hotel in Black Mountain for the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries Fuel Fund.
Another amazing year of Deck The Trees at the Monte Vista Hotel in Black Mountain for the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministries Fuel Fund.
Many people with pain or joint issues immediately turn to their primary care physician for guidance, only to be referred to physical therapy as the potential solution for their pain and discomfort. Often times it seeing a physical therapist first can lead to better...
How much thought have you put into the exercises you're going to use for your next workout? Did you choose them yourself, or did you find them on the internet or in a magazine? What's your workout designed for? Do those goals match yours? Are the exercises even safe...
With health in sharp focus as a result of the pandemic, now is a good time to look at the team of experts you have in place and see if there are any improvements you could make. You probably have a family doctor, dentist, and optometrist. Maybe you have some...
Physical therapists aren't just for people that are injured or have had surgery. Physical therapists (PTs) can also help healthy people improve their fitness by establishing a proper fitness regimen. Here are 5 reasons why the team at SEPT® Physical Therapy believes...
We all know here in the Asheville, North Carolina area that colder weather means some changes to how we exercise. Of course, it's harder to motivate yourself to get outside for a run or bike ride when the temperature drops, and the shorter days compress our schedules,...
Buncombe County has implemented a Stay Home, Stay Safe declaration effective at 8:00 PM on Thursday, March 26th, 2020 (click link below to read more).
Southeastern Physical Therapy is on hand this snowy Leap Day supporting the runners of the 8th Annual Chilly Challenge!
Whether you are new to exercise or getting back into a routine after a break, it’s essential to start slowly and intentionally. With the following tips, you’ll set yourself up for success and reduce your risk of injury.