Deck the Trees Grand Opening Gala 2018

by | Nov 30, 2018 | Articles, Events

SEPT® Physical Therapy is honored to have been a sponsor at last night’s Deck The Trees Grand Opening Gala in support of the Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry Fuel Fund!

100% if the proceeds go to helping families in the area heat their homes during the winter. Last year, the event helped over 600 families by raising over $25,000.

The Trees will remain up at the Monte Vista Hotel in Black Mountain, NC and people can stop by to help donate to the wonderful cause and vote on their favorite tree from now until December 19th.

SEPT® Physical Therapy was a silver sponsor and helped make this night and event possible.

(SEPT’s own Ryan Smith is featured below with Merle Arcand – Ryan’s point person on setting up the sponsorship. Merle is a big fan of SEPT® Physical Therapy and how we can help people. Thank you both!!)